Project's code: POC-A.1-A.1.1.4-E-2015, ID: P_37_668
Project is co-funded by The European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020.
Priority Axis 1 - "Research, technological development and innovation (RDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development".
Action 1.1.4: Attracting personnel with advanced skills from abroad to strengthen the research-development capacity
Project's title: The improvement of the institutional competitiveness in the treatment of type 1 diabetes by developing an innovative concept of immunotherapy based on mesenchymal stromal cells
Contract number: 118/16.09.2016
Dr. Alexandrina Burlacu (LSCB, ICBP, Romanian Academy, Romania)
Dr. Nadir Askenasy (Frankel Laboratory, Centre for Stem Cell Research, Schneider Children’s Medical Centre of Israel)
Budget: 8,630,843.2 Lei
Period: 04.01.2016 – 31.12.2020
Project Summary:
The strategic objective of the DIABETER project is to develop the infrastructure and increase the longstanding involvement of IBPC team in research areas of diabetic and cardiovascular pathophysiology. Attracting a high-level international scientific expert will contribute to increasing the interest of the research personnel for the exploitation of the entire capacity and its guidance in the ield of therapeutic approaches for autoimmune diseases and their complications.
The project aims to explore the ability of cell therapy to cure T1D in 3 concomitant stages: blocking diabetic autoimmunity, restoring self-tolerance and restoring insulin production capacity. These stages will be followed for the maximum exploitation of each intervention by: strengthening the killing capacity of the regulatory cells, inducing the hematopoietic chimerism by immunomodulation, in the presence of minimal lymphoreduction and reconstitution of the pancreas by neogenesis of the endocrine cells from the stem cells.